Can UID be changed on Mifare 1K Card?
A lot of guys want to clone their access card, so they buy more mifare 1k card to copy to. But after the package received, what they found is that block 0 of sector 0 can not be modified. The answer is NO to general MIFARE 1K Card.
RFID Tools - The Best RFID App on Android Phone
Meeting RFID - Radio Frequency IDentification, there are a lot of excellent open-source tools and great devices for sniffing and cracking. And mostly, those open-source projects are built for Linux and Windows. In this title I'll introduce the best RFID App, RFID Tools, which supports a lot of libnfc tools on Android Phone.
Day 1
的点子,上班前就下单了两套微雪电子的e-Paper ESP8266 Driver Board
How to calculate CRC8 & CRC16 in MTools
CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check is widely used in data transition. According to
, A CRC-enabled device calculates a short, fixed-length binary sequence, known as the check value or CRC, for each block of data to be sent or stored and appends it to the data, forming a codeword.
Python 数据处理之字段去重