How to use Sniffer in MTools
Depending on the Firebase of MTools, only 15% of MTools users have used Sniffer functions of MTools. It's really a easy tools for comparison and analysing. In this article, I'll show the tutorial of how to use Sniffer in MTools.
Why use Sniffer
After getting the keys of a sector which contains valid datas, we need to compare datas in different amount. So I made the Sniffer in MTools to gather and compare datas more easily.
The light-pink and light-blue backgroud shows if the bytes change.
Where is Sniffer in MTools

- After adding a card in List Fragment, you can add a sector in Detail Fragment.
- Fill in the keyA and keyB on one sector depending on your needs.
- Click the 3rd section.
How to use Sniffer
- Mark Money Bytes
- Mark Check Bytes
- Tips of Expression
• + - × ÷ Modulo ➡ + - * / #
• XOR ➡ @^ ➡ xor
• NOT ➡ @~ ➡ not
• AND ➡ @& ➡ and
• OR ➡ @| ➡ or
• Signed left shift n ➡ @<<n
• Signed right shift n ➡ @>>n
• More
• b2=b1 ➡ b2=b1
• b4=b2+0x1F ➡ b4=b2+31(decimal)
• b15=b0 xor b1 ➡ b15=b0 xor b1
• b2=not b0 ➡ b2=not b0 Note
• Convert constant to decimal
• Drag up/down to change the order of calculation
- After Expression added
If there is no Strikethrough on check bytes, it means all expressions are correct.
Now you know another tips of MTools.