如何使用 Keywords 限制 WordPress / WooCommerce 用户注册

最近,我们的 WordPress 网站上搭建的 WooCommerce 店铺经常收到 Delivery incomplete 的邮件报错,点进去发现基本都如下的报错情况:

Delivery incomplete

There was a temporary problem delivering your message to [email protected]. Gmail will retry for 46 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently.


作为一个 商城网站,我们不能关停用户注册的功能,并且也使用了人机验证的服务,但是任然没法避免机器人注册泛滥,因此我们需要加上注册的限制功能。
我先简单搜索了下,确实有相关的插件可以解决此类问题,但是为了避免这类插件带来一些不必要的功能,因此我们采用自行添加代码到子主题的 functions.php 中实现相关的功能。



// Register a new settings menu in WordPress admin
function register_limits_settings_menu() {
  add_options_page( 'Registration Keywords Options', 'Registration Keywords', 'manage_options', 'registration-limits', 'registration_limits_settings_page' );
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'register_limits_settings_menu' );

// Define the layout and fields of the settings page
function registration_limits_settings_page() {
    <?php screen_icon(); ?>
    <h2>Registration Keywords Settings</h2>
    <form method="post" action="options.php">
      <?php settings_fields( 'registration_limits_options' ); ?>
      <?php do_settings_sections( 'registration_limits' ); ?>
      <?php submit_button(); ?>

// Register the settings fields with WordPress
function register_keywords_settings_fields() {
    add_settings_section( 'registration_limits_section', '', '', 'registration_limits' );
    add_settings_field( 'restricted_keywords', 'Restricted Keywords', 'restricted_keywords_callback', 'registration_limits', 'registration_limits_section' );
    add_settings_field( 'ignore_3level_domain', 'Ignore 3-Level Domain Names', 'ignore_3level_domain_callback', 'registration_limits', 'registration_limits_section' );
    register_setting( 'registration_limits_options', 'restricted_keywords', 'sanitize_text_field' );
    register_setting( 'registration_limits_options', 'ignore_3level_domain', 'absint' );
  add_action( 'admin_init', 'register_keywords_settings_fields' );
  // Define the callback to display the "Restricted Keywords" field on the settings page
  function restricted_keywords_callback() {
    $restricted_keywords = get_option( 'restricted_keywords', '' );
    <input type="text" id="restricted_keywords" name="restricted_keywords" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $restricted_keywords ); ?>" />
    <p class="description">Enter a comma separated list of keywords to restrict during registration.</p>

// Define the callback to display the "Ignore 3-Level Domain Names" checkbox on the settings page
function ignore_3level_domain_callback() {
  $ignore_3level_domain = get_option( 'ignore_3level_domain', 0 );
  <input type="checkbox" id="ignore_3level_domain" name="ignore_3level_domain" value="1" <?php checked( $ignore_3level_domain, 1 ); ?> />
  <label for="ignore_3level_domain">Ignore registration if email address includes 3-level domain name.</label>


只要满足以上2个条件的注册信息,都需要被屏蔽掉,我们需要采用 woocommerce_registration_errors 的 hook 进行限制。

// Validate the registration form and restrict based on keyword and 3-level domain name conditions
function restricted_keyword_in_email($errors, $sanitized_user_login, $user_email)
    $ignore_3level_domain = get_option('ignore_3level_domain', 0);

    // ignore 3-level domain name condition
    if ($ignore_3level_domain == 1) {
        $email_parts = explode("@", $user_email);
        $domain_parts = explode(".", $email_parts[1]);
        if (count($domain_parts) == 3) {
            $errors->add('email_invalid', __('Invalid email address containing 3-level domain name.'));

    // restrict keyword condition
    $restricted_keywords = get_option('restricted_keywords', '');
    $restricted_keywords_array = explode(',', $restricted_keywords);

    foreach ($restricted_keywords_array as $restricted_keyword) {
        $restricted_keyword = trim($restricted_keyword);
        if (strpos($user_email, $restricted_keyword) !== false) { // check for presence of keyword
            $errors->add('email_invalid', __('Invalid email address containing restricted keyword.')); // throw error
    return $errors;
add_filter('woocommerce_registration_errors', 'restricted_keyword_in_email', 10, 3);


  1. 注册限制关键词

  2. 注册限制三级域名